quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2007

“O servidor foi nossa sala de ensaio”, diz guitarrista do Helloween

O site Metal-Experience.com conversou com o guitarrista Sascha Gerstner, do HELLOWEEN, que falou a respeito do novo álbum do grupo germânico, “Gambling With The Devil”, seu relacionamento com outros membros da banda, entre diversos outros assuntos.

Em tempo: como nem tudo são flores na vida de um músico de rock, vejam o que Sascha diz quando requisitaram que ele mudasse seu visual, para se identificar mais com os fãs de heavy metal... ossos do ofício!

Metal-Experience — Como vocês começaram a compor material para “Gambling With The Devil” depois do último álbum? As idéias surgiram facilmente ou tomaram mais cuidado neste quesito desta vez?
Sascha Gerstner — Tivemos um pouco de pressão da equipe que nos empresaria, eles disseram que seria muito bom se tivéssemos um novo álbum lançado rapidamente. Então, fomos espertos e utilizamos a tecnologia da internet e, basicamente, o servidor foi a nossa sala de ensaios. Todos estavam em suas casas fazendo uploads das faixas e idéias que surgiam, e também ensaiamos desse jeito. Foi como um trabalho feito de retalhos. Mesmo Michael Weikath e eu compusemos as letras desse jeito, nós usamos o Skype. E isso nos poupou muito dinheiro e tempo, foi uma ótima idéia fazer as coisas desse jeito. Para ‘The Legacy’, passamos três meses gravando-o, mas para este álbum simplesmente não tínhamos este tempo disponível.

Metal-Experience — E essa pressão foi bem-vinda?
Gerstner — Não sentimos como pressão, tudo aconteceu por coincidência. E já até posso responder a sua próxima pergunta sobre o som cru e direto do álbum: isso apenas aconteceu. Com esta formação, apenas crescemos juntos durante a última turnê então sabíamos das idéias um do outro, tínhamos a mesma cabeça. Colecionamos idéias acerca das músicas, e as melhores acabaram sendo as mais cruas, com um som mais pesado das guitarras e agressivo das baterias.

Metal-Experience — Quais objetivos vocês tinham em mente quando começaram a compor as músicas de “Gambling With The Devil”?
Gerstner — Queríamos subir um degrau com este álbum, porque ‘The Legacy’ se saiu muito bem, tivemos ótimas resenhas da imprensa em geral. As pessoas estavam dizendo que o HELLOWEEN estaria morto em alguns anos, mas acho que provamos que essas pessoas estavam erradas. Você pode ouvir algo mais novo no álbum.

Metal-Experience — Foi difícil compor um sucessor para “The Lagacy” já que as resenhas foram tão boas?
Gerstner — Nós raramente pensamos sobre isso, apenas fizemos. Apenas o fizemos e nos divertimos! Se você se concentra muito neste tipo de assunto, perde o ponto algumas vezes. E lá também estava o nosso grande produtor, Charlie Bauerfeind! Ele é bem alemão, muito correto. Ele nunca perde nada e sempre combina tudo junto. Markus [Großkopf, baixista] estava gravando em seu estúdio em Hamburgo, e Michael estávamos em meu estúdio, então o Charlie tinha que viajar pra trás e pra frente. A bateria e os vocais foram gravados no estúdio do Andi [Deris, vocal], então aquele lance de retalho apareceu novamente. Mas todos nós trabalhos no mesmo sistema.

Metal-Experience — Este é o terceiro álbum que você fez com o HELLOWEEN. Após ver três álbuns prontos, chegou a notar alguma mudança a caminho no grupo?
Gerstner — Sim, mas algumas coisas dependem das circunstâncias. ‘Rabbits Don’t Come Easy’ fizemos de forma bem rápida, sequer cheguei a perceber que estava na banda enquanto gravava as partes de guitarra para ele. Eu sequer sabia o que estava rolando. O restante do grupo sabia que eu já estava dentro. Apenas crescemos juntos, eles usaram as minhas idéias e isso foi demais. Já o ‘The Legacy’ foi mais planejado, passamos um bom tempo compondo e nos comunicando. Você sabe, as circunstâncias são muito importantes, no ‘Rabbits Don’t Come Easy’ tivemos problemas demais com nosso baterista e isso tirou nosso foco da música. E isso, para mim, foi muito difícil porque eu havia acabado de entrar em uma banda lendária, algo que só fui notar mais tarde. Durante a turnê, tive muitos problemas para me acostumar com tudo, porque eu nunca tinha feito parte de uma banda tão grande. Sou um músico de cabeça aberta, já fiz música pop e outras coisas antes de entrar no HELLOWEEN. As pessoas falaram muita merda sobre mim no início, que eu não tinha visual de banda de rock e tal. Vi uma foto minha quando tinha acabado de entrar na banda, e eu parecia bem punk, com o cabelo roxo e tal...

Metal-Experience — A banda chegou a pedir para você mudar seu visual?
Gerstner — Bem, um pouco antes de começarmos a fazer o ‘The Legacy’, os empresários vieram até mim e disseram: ‘hmmm, talvez você devesse mudar o seu cabelo, por causa dos fãs e tal’. Eu disse não no início, mas encontrei um meio-termo. Onde vivo, temos uma cena heavy metal bem grande, com muitos fãs, mas eles sequer me reconhecem porque tenho um visual diferente na vida privada.

Metal-Experience — Você pode nos explicar o título “Gambling With The Devil”?
Gerstner — O último álbum tinha um conceito por trás, e pensamos que podíamos seguir com esta idéia. Há uma faixa neste álbum chamada ‘Occasion Avennue’ em que o demônio está escondido e tentando as pessoas ao redor, e este é um tema forte para um álbum. Também falamos sobre temas semelhantes como políticos e coisas assim. Estávamos em um hotel, acho que na Romênia, e lá tinha um cassino cheio de estilo. Estávamos conversando e, na conversa, chegamos à conclusão que a vida é um jogo com o demônio [N. do T.: “Gambling With The Devil”], você joga, mas nunca sabe o que vai acontecer, você pode ir lá fora andar agora e ser atropelado por um ônibus. Então, quando viemos com este assunto, o Andi teve a brilhante idéia de fazer uma roda no livreto do CD e adicionar um cartão, que você esfrega e decifra um enigma, que vai levá-lo a outro enigma que, se resolvido, você ganha um prêmio! E não é apenas uma camiseta, você pode voar a um país a sua escolha e ver o HELLOWEEN em um show! Nós o levaremos de avião até lá, você verá o show e encontrará a banda. Essa idéia foi ótima pois combinou perfeitamente com assunto de jogo em questão, nós estamos jogando com um fã [N. do T.: ‘gambling with a fan’]! [risos]

Metal-Experience — O que podemos esperar de vocês da turnê conjunta com o GAMMA RAY? Vocês estão planejando algo especial?
Gerstner — A turnê será bem interessante porque o GAMMA RAY não vai abrir para nós, eles serão nossos convidados especiais e tocarão um repertório longo. O AXXIS se juntará a nós para alguns shows. Acho que será um pacote sensacional para os fãs de power metal. Será bem legal para as pessoas que viviam dizendo merda a respeito de brigas entre as bandas, pois verão que nada disso é verdade. E também estamos planejando que o Kai [Hansen, líder do GAMMA RAY] suba no palco conosco para algumas canções.

Para ler a entrevista na íntegra, em inglês, clique aqui.

Para assistir ao vídeo do single "As Long As I Fall", clique aqui.

quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2007

Extreme vai voltar, afirma Nuno Bettencourt

O guitarrista Nuno Bettencourt concedeu uma entrevista à revista francesa Rock Hard Magazine, e confirmou o que estava sendo especulado há alguns meses: o Extreme vai mesmo voltar.

Segue a transcrição do bate-papo em inglês. Em tempo: essa entrevista aconteceu no dia 2 de julho, momentos antes de Nuno se apresentar junto ao Satellite Party no The Trabendo, na França. Este acabou sendo um dos últimos shows de Nuno com o projeto de Perry Farell.

Rock Hard - How’s that European Satellite Party tour going?
Nuno - Well.. it’s… going ! (Laughs). Everything has been fine to this date. It’s been, for me, an interesting project, and quite different from what I did with Extreme for instance.

Rock Hard - How did this adventure start?
Nuno - Perry and I met at a party. He made me listen to some of his demos in his garage and I started layering guitars on what I heard. As far as Guitar playing is concerned, that was something quite new for me, but for the writing, I did as I always do, trying to find the best fitting guitar parts that suited the songs.
At the beginning of the project, we had no idea whether we would get a record deal like this or not, and that we would even tour. Everything went naturally.. and here we are today !

Rock Hard - It’s been 10 years since last time you visited us in France...
Nuno - I know.. I can’t believe it myself ! But thanks to all of this happening, I’m here.

Rock Hard - What does it feel, being back in Europe?
Nuno - I’m very glad about it, even though I can’t help being disappointed that it took so long. Back in 1997, when I released my first solo album (Schizophonic), I came here to promote it and I was quite optimistic, but in the end, I couldn’t have any gig set up ! My Label wanted me to focus on the USA, which was a mistake. You never know what may happen (He takes some mysterious look). We’ll be back, better, I will be back…. With a little luck, I’ll come to visit you every year, from now on… Who knows with who, or in what context ? (The secret desperately wants to come out of his mouth).. Well, let’s say that that band’s name may start with an ‘’ E ‘’…

Rock Hard - Are you announcing a definitive Extreme reunion?
Nuno - Well, I haven’t talked about that to anybody, but during the last 6 or 8 months, Gary and I have been composing new stuff together. That’s between me and you of course ! (Laughs).

Rock Hard - How many songs have you composed to this date?
Nuno -We must have something like 21 or 22. In Extreme, we always started composing about fifty songs before starting doing a selection. Who knows how it’s gonna end, but that could really be fun… We did a few concerts in the USA that were really awesome. It was like we never stopped playing together !

Rock Hard - How would you describe what you’ve composed so far?
Nuno - (Pointing his jacket’s poket) You wanna hear ? (Laughs). There are, of course, some funky elements, and some other that have a more ‘punk rock’ feel. Extreme developed different styles and sounds on every single album, and those new songs will certainly sound like… Extreme !
Gary came to live at my house for a time and we worked just like old times. Except that, back then, I was used to give him complete songs so that he could start working on the lyrics. Now, we’re doing more ‘four hands writing’, and we both contribute in writing the lyrics.

Rock Hard - Well, that’s a very good news for all Extreme fans that you’re announcing today!
Nuno - It’s very important that people do not misunderstand our motivations. We always refused to organize a ‘reunion tour’, promoting some vulgar ‘best of compilation’ like many other bands might have done. Gary and I agree to the fact that, if we go back together, it’s to restart the story from where it has stopped. Giving as much time and passion as we can to produce a new album.. So.. we’ll see… (smiles).

Rock Hard - Paul Geary (Drums) being quite busy as a manager, your buddy Kevin Figueiredo from Dramagods and Satellite Party (Note : He also left Perry’s band since that interview) might as well be part of that, no?
Nuno - Yes, certainly. Paul is indeed very busy since he manages bands like Smashing Pumpkins, Fuel or Godsmack. He’s always had a ‘manager soul’ even when he was in Extreme ! (Laughs) But for the new album, he’d be the first to admit he wouldn’t be able to participate to such a project without having the time for all what he has to do on the side. He might join us from time to time, for a few songs, but Kevin is probably the right fit for that job. When he plays Extreme, the band sounds way more heavy. When Pat (Badger / Bass) went on stage in New York, on ‘Kid Ego’, we was more than impressed with Kevin’s powerfull hitting. Kevin thought Pat didn’t like his playing, while, in reality, Pat was juste scared! (Laughs).

Rock Hard - After that parenthesis, let’s come back to Satellite Party. How would you describe your collaboration with Perry on that album, Ultra Payloaded?
Nuno - Working with Perry was completely different from what I’ve seen before. The first time I heard SP’s compositions, those were completely electronic sounding, almost sounding like house music. I asked myself what I’d be able to do with that. Then, working around samples and chorus-parts, I tried to transform those long musical pieces into actual songs. That wasn’t always easy and I won’t hide the fact it gave Perry and I some headaches. He has his way of working, I got mine… But after some time, he eventually loosened up a bit (French expression : Release some ballasts) and I could take part in the production and mixing of the album. My “work-field” was delimited by Perry’s tastes, I appreciated that because it forced me to try out some things I would never had tried before.

Rock Hard - Specifically, you handles numerous keyboard parts... something we’re usually not expecting from you.
Nuno - Yes that’s true. Globally, this album ends up being a collaboration between Perry and I. People always focus on the many ‘guests’ that came to play on that album, like Flea and who knows who. But those guys weren’t actually ‘there’. They spend 2 hours in the studio, record the parts they must record, and then, we don’t see them for the next 3 years ! It’s not like they’ve been actually spending time with us to create something…

Rock Hard - Many were surprised there are so few guitar solos on Ultra Payloaded. Why?
Nuno - Simply because I didn’t feel those songs needed that. Perry was always pushing me all the time so that I would add solos, but I didn’t feel like it.
Maybe because those songs weren’t originated from jam sessions ? I don’t know. But when playing live, that’s another story. The more I play, the more I feel like making those solos longer and longer. Add that to the fact that we also play quite a number of Jane’s Addiction songs, which are well suited for that.

Rock Hard - Was it obvious for you that SP would include JA’s songs on stage?
Nuno - Yes, ‘cause SP has really been founded around Perry’s name, so it’s normal that he plays those JA songs that are part of him so much. And also, I love those songs ! Before coming to Europe, he suggest we might add sone Extreme covers as well.. but I didn’t want to. My role here, is to hold the guitar, I want to make that clear. He insisted a lot, especially after the London gig where the audience shouted my name on a regular basis.. Some even had made panels ! That was quite embarrassing… I think Perry didn’t realized how strong Extreme’s impact was in Europe, but right now, he’s entitled for quite a speed-up-training ! (Laughs)

Rock Hard - What is your opinion about SP’s message, fighting against global warming, and about the whole concept of that album ? That one not being easy to catch.
Nuno - I agree with you on that point ! All of this corresponds to Perry’s vision and personal involvement. As far as I’m concerned, I involve myself into such things more privately. With Extreme, we were used to offer a stand to Greenpeace at our shows, but I’m not the kind a guy who try to dictate things to do to others. That’s useless, because people have to actually think about it own their own to actually change their behavior. Everything that can help is good to have. The band associated itself with Global Cool, and we met Tony Blair in order to discuss those issues.. But politicians remain politicians… Anyway, one thing for sure : I don’t think of myself as being Bono !

Rock Hard - During 10 years, you released many albums using various names, like Population 1 or Dramagods, and we don’t include your numerous participations to tribute albums, singles, clips, etc. Do you see your career evolving the same way in the years to come?
Nuno - No I don’t think so. I did enough damage ! (Laughs). Today, I still feel quite close to the Dramagods album, which is the only one I actually still enjoy listening to, but that’s pretty much it…. It’s really a shame that it hasn’t been truly released outside of Japan. Kevin and I were negociating for an (almost-) worldwide release, and then.. << That >> (Satellite Party) fell on us. At start, I though this would only be a simple project, but Sony BMG signed the band. I then thought that Dramagogs might benefit from it and get signed after seeing me in SP… I would have loved that, because those songs really reveal themselves when played live. But you’d be surprise how difficult it is for me to get signed by a label. Sometimes, record companies get scared of my past. I’m convinced that if my name hadn’t been mentioned on Dramagods’ album, four or five labels would have fought to sign it. With the ‘Nuno Bettencourt’ name in a band, it suddenly feels outdated / old for executives that only swear by the youth. They’re all after the next ‘Chemical romance’ and even though they do sign some very few good bands, they mostly sign very bad ones !

Rock Hard - Looks like it’s way easier for you to fin record deals in Japan, where you’ve been quite ‘there’ all these years…
Nuno - The only reason all my albums were released in Japan is that I always kept a record contract there. Right after my departure from Extreme, the Japanese label of the band told me : <>. That label gave me money and I had to record albums. I’m not saying I didn’t want to, but sometimes, the situation was bit awkward.. I’d release an album, do a little tour and bang, I would come home ! (an ‘’incident’ takes act as Perry and Etty come into the room where we’re doing that interview. Pissed of being disturbed that way, Nuno suddenly exit the room.. Then, comes back after Perry and Etty got out, and excuses himself a lot… Behind the ‘facade smiles’, some quite telling look are shared and our interview resumes…)
I really have good memories of Japan. I was always amazed by the fans coming to my shows, even for the smallest venues. It was comforting to see that somewhere on the planet, some people were still paying some attention to me !

Rock Hard - In reality, you’ve been continuously occupied during all those years…
Nuno - Absolutely…Some people I meet sometimes ask me the famous : << Nuno ! Where the hell were you ? >>. <>.. Pffff… Even if most people didn’t pay attention to me, I never stopped working. As soon as a project was finished, I’d start a new one. It’s the only way I’ve found to convince me I was still 18 : I never stop long enough for me to realize that I’ve got some extra years “on the counter” (ZeGlobox : Sorry, that’s a French expression I don’t know how to translate).. While I can tell my elbows and knees aren’t that new anymore ! (Laughs)

Rock Hard - Is it also to fight against time that you want to launch Extreme back?
Nuno - There are certainly numerous reasons. When I left Extreme, it was strictly for non-musical problems. We weren’t getting along that much anymore. There were some money-related-issues, and every little sentence or look took incredible proportions. Today, I realized this was childish/pointless, but the fact is that we weren’t touring for the love-of-music and that the business took to much place. I needed to start with that adventure. I wanted to write more lyrics, sing my songs, and I’m happy having done that ! But I’m starting to get a little tired fighting all the time, especially the record companies. Re-launch Extreme’s career today might look like the easiest way, but we all have a limited time frame during which we can still launch ourselves into that adventure still take pleasure doing it … And before all our fans get too old to even remember we ever existed ! (Laughs).
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